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St Fin Barre's National School, Cork

Saint Fin Barre's Cathedral


An important influence in the life of our School

Visit the Cathedral website here

The Cathedral is a short walk from the School and our pupils attend and participate in several services each year.  The highlight of the year is always the Christmas Service, normally centred on a Nativity Play, when the children lead the entire service, including music, from beginning to end.

The school community also attends the annual Choral Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednesday and other daily offices and services from time to time.

Some of our pupils are choristers at the Cathedral and the Cathedral's Director of Music teaches music each week in the school.  The Cathedral's music department is spearheading a new Diocesan Music Programme, a substantial part of which is taking place in schools across the diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross, from which Saint Fin Barre's National School will also benefit.

The Cathedral also hosts regular schools singing workshops and competitions.  Pictured below is a gathering of over 200 children from schools in Cork city and county for a special singing workshop, in which Saint Fin Barre's participated.